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    5 Year Warranty


    Smart monitoring to make the most of your home energy

    Connect with your solar

    The energy world is rapidly changing and the opportunities are
    enormous. Solar Analytics gives you the data to navigate the
    new energy landscape, including getting ready for battery stor-
    age, energy trading and independence.

    Layer 18

    Ausgrid data from 8000 solar PV
    systems shows that approximately
    51.8% are not performing to capacity –
    ‘Performance lessons from the real
    world.’ – SunWiz 2012

    Solar Analytics, are you eligible?

    Smart monitoring to make the most of your home energy

    The Solar Analytics Dashboard provides a personalised and
    comprehensive analysis of your solar power system’s
    performance. Easy to use and hosted in the cloud, access your
    dashboard at any time from your computer, tablet or smartphone.

    Produce more, use less,

    Q Cell Solar Panels on Roof
    Silhouette of woman in sunset at the beach
    Q Cell Pro Solar Panels installed on residential roof
    Solar Panel Installation in outback rural Australia

    why us

    Our Products

    Solar Panels


    At FES all our panel partners have been chosen as they are proven to set the highest standards globally, with the latest technologies, highest performance, longest product warranties and above all peace of mind in years to come your system will still be performing when other panels are not.

    Fronius Primo Inverter


    Our European made inverters Fronius & SMA have stood the test of time in Australia’s harshest conditions when others have failed. Global leaders they are the chosen inverter brands worldwide with Australian offices and industry leading warranties.

    Sonnen Batteries


    The new dawn of solar battery storage is here. With the latest hybrid battery technologies available today from Leading brands Sonnen & LG at great prices the time has never been better time to look at joining the battery revolution.

    Do You Need a Consultation?

    Solar can give you a lot of advantages, from which you will surely benefit.


    Our Best Selling Packages + More Available

    Whether the power you use comes from the utility or your solar array, it first comes through your master service panel at your service voltage level of 208V to 480V and then gets regulated to match your equipment’s voltage needs. If it’s a sunny Sunday and your solar array is putting out more power than your facility
    needs, that power gets exported to your utility.

    If you are running a late-night shift and your solar array is not meeting your facilities power needs, then you automatically draw the power you need from the utility. Regardless of which machines are operating and your power needs at any moment, the power first comes through your master service panel at your service voltage level.

    Sungrow Inverter Pricing

    Choice Package

    6.6 Kw Suntech 300 Watt Panels
    + Sungrow 5kw Crystal Inverter

    Fronius Primo Pricing

    Elite Package

    6.6 Kw Suntech 300 Watt Panels
    + Fronius 5kw Primo Inverter

    Fronius Primo Inverter Pricing

    Optimum Package

    Q-Cells 310 Watt Panels
    + Fronius Primo Inverter


    Guaranteed Performance


    Save The Environment

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    1300 551 719

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